Rocky Mountain Twist

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Family wood harvesting adventure. Looking for burl pine logs and stumps

One of the most special aspects of Rocky Mountain Twist is that we work together as a family. Our kids are as much part of the wood working business that we are.

Once a year we make a trip to go and harvest burl pine logs. On this particular trip we left at 6:30 a.m. and returned home at 11:30 p.m. It is a very long day, but so much fun, especially when we got to spend it together as a family and in the mountains.

It was an sunny, overcast and rainy day, we could hear the thunder rumbling across the mountains and the temperature was perfect for all the work we did that day. 

This article is mostly pictures, documenting our trip.... as you can see, we used and old army stretcher to carry out the logs, they are very very heavy.....

Hope you enjoy the pictures

Custom Log Furniture

burl pine stump


I believe the kids were playing war,,, Scooter had an injury

burl pine log wood art furniture
Rocky Mountain Twist

 The kids are always willing to help

End of the day, kids are ready to head home..

Pressure washing off the bark

 Lots of burls to wash

Setting in an enclosed trailer to cure and dry. If they stay in the sun the wood will darken

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Outdoor Curly Redwood Burl Slab Bench with turquoise inlay

It is finally finished, we added more turquoise as per our clients request, now it is assembled and will be crated tomorrow and then it will ship to London. This bench was made in memory of a loved one that passed away. What an amazing project to work on.

wood inlay

wood grain

table with turquoise inlay

curly redwood slab burl table top

turquoise inlaid in wood