Rocky Mountain Twist

Monday, January 19, 2015

Working with Nature and Appreciating Life

I really love my job, technically it is not correct to call it a job, because it sure doesn't feel like one. It's more what I do and show a little bit of who I am.

There is something about wood working that, to me, reflects life and the way that we live or view life. When working with this beautiful wood I don't truly feel like we are creating something, because it is already here and in front of us. It is about uncovering, finding and seeing what is already in front of us; a lot like life, the beauty is there you just need to take the time to see and realize that it is there. We can make life as ugly and unappealing as we want, but it sure takes more energy to do so. So stop and accept what it there, open your eyes, clean it up a bit and it will shine.

My most favorite part of "my job" is applying the oil, the finishing touch. I can imagine the color there is there, and then bring it forth with the oil. With every single project I say "wow"..... each piece has a life of its own. There is something about being able to sit in silence, clear my thoughts, connect to what I am doing and say Thank you for this gift.... It is very fulfilling and humbling, because I didn't create it, but was given the opportunity to find the beauty. Never could I make a piece of wood with all it's valleys, peaks, ripples and coloring. I am thankful to have it as a part of what I do and show a part of who I am.

There is another way that it mirrors life; I didn't create my life, soul, spirituality or living, with all the colors, valleys, peaks and 100% purity. I was given this gift of life to find and live in the beauty, to take care of it and respect it.

Lets say that life is like a wooden coffee table and over time it starts to collect things. It gets cluttered with books, papers, cups, trash, dust, toys and anything you decide to throw on it and you stop caring for your table..... Much like life, it gets cluttered with all the new technology, video games, cell phones, ipads, iPods, notebooks,computers, television... All the noise, drama and human created chaos is packed around everyday.

And we forget what is underneath it all. We forget the purpose and the beauty. We have forgot what it is like to put pen to paper and write instead of text. Being lost in social media instead of having a real gathering of friends, playing video games instead of playing with your kids. Living and connecting with life is a lost art, much like your one loved coffee table.

Take some time to get rid of the clutter, throw away and remove the chaos. It's time for a spring cleaning. You might have a few scratches, scars and sticky fingerprints, but when you get everything polished, you will shine with character and see the beauty...

Twisted Juniper Tree, Branch Architectural Accent

This piece is what we call a rare find, not very often do you have limbs that grow from the stump outward in a twisted fashion. Our client ordered this piece as art which will stand in his home. It stands just under 8' tall and will set on a lace redwood burl slab. The slab was purchased from Burlwood Online

 The first picture is before we have done any kind of work to this piece. It is now sanded and ready for oil