Rocky Mountain Twist

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Journey of a Twisted Juniper Limb

Let me tell you a story....... there once was a juniper limb that we thought was destined to be a coffee table base (about 8 years ago)...... hours were spent on sanding, shaping and even adding a leg...... it was then set aside in a storage shed, we weren't quite sure how to make this table base work..... So there is sat for a few years collecting dust, water dripping onto it and most likely destined for the firewood pile...... we then decided to clean out the shed and figured that the piece of juniper would look good in the yard under our willow tree or burn it in the fire pit..... I was quite proud of the pretty piece of juniper and wanted to save it so in the yard it went, I would always keep the grass trimmed so that I could admire this piece of yard art and even though it started to turn grey from the elements I figured I would keep it for years to come.... well one day Tim asked what I thought about turning it into a taxidermy pedestal, I really didn't want to part with it but after some thought, I figured, what the heck might as well make something out of it...... So on this 8 or 9 year journey, this piece of juniper is finally what it's meant to be....
taxidermy pedestal mount

twisted juniper wood

taxidermy display base

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